Disappointment. It comes with being in publishing or wanting to be in publishing. But there are several types of disappointment, some of which are easier to stave off than others. I'm going to talk about how to stave off the disappointment of a pass or...
I realise it's been a few minutes since I've posted an update. I'll start with a health update before moving on to the "now what."...
One day, I'll finally schedule regular time to update this blog. Now is not that time as I'm barely keeping my head above the water with health issues that just won't stop. Before I get to that ugly, let's start with some good!...
It has been an emotional few days. Over the weekend, we had to take one of our dogs to the ER (he is fine now and needs urgent surgery; more on that in another post) and yesterday, just as I was getting into the torturous...
Turns out those skin infections my GP and I thought I had, that have been resisting treatment since July and only getting worse, well, not so much. Friends, we are going to talk about something I don't think I have in public before because the...
If you want a smartwatch that is both a good fitness tracker and health tracker, the Galaxy Watch ain't it because Samsung Health sucks. And the customer service is horrendous. And really, it was the customer service that broke this camel's back....
If you're in the Metro Vancouver Regional District, then come join me for a moderated conversation and audience Q&A about Crip Up the Kitchen on October 3rd, 2023, from 7 - 9 pm at Simon Fraser University. This event is brought you by the SFU Disability and...
Sometimes, I forget that I'm chronically ill, which is ridiculous, I know. But then my infections get infections and things get really, really, extremely gross. ...
I'm at my wit's end. If I hear one more politician or pundit or "ally" say that human rights violations are a distraction from bigger issues, like housing and the cost of living, I may explode. But because it is the human rights of transgender...
I'm in too many in between spaces right now....